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Babylon 5. The Face of the Enemy

Dane płyty

CD 0928
Christopher Franke
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Babylon 5


  1. 1A The War Continues / 1B 30 Pieces of Silver / 1C Main Title (3:31)
  2. 2A Meet The Agamemnon / 2B Telepat Cargo / 2C Garibaldi's Message To Sheridan (4:42)
  3. 3A Ivanova Warns Sheridan / 3B Sheridan Departs For Earth / 3C Lyta'a History On Mars / 3D Bar Background (7:25)
  4. 4A Sheridan's Arrest / 4B Edgar's Whole Truth / 4C Bester Unlocks Garibaldi (5:52)
  5. 5A Garibaldi Downloaded / 5B Bester's Whole Truth / 5C Garibaldi Coming To His Senses (6:43)
  6. 6B End Title (4:08) 6A The Future Looming Ahead