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The Jungle Book

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CD 0872
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Jungle Book
Tytuł fimu polski:
Księga dżungli


  1. Overture (2:43)
  2. Baby (2:11)
  3. Colonel Hathi's March (The Elephant Song) (2:32)
  4. The Bare Necessities (4:51)
  5. I Wan'na Be Like You (The Monkey Song) (4:39)
  6. Monkey Chase (1:06)
  7. Tell Him (2:16)
  8. Colonel Hathi's March (Reprise) (2:00)
  9. Jungle Beat (1:22)
  10. Trust in Me (The Python's Song) (2:50)
  11. What'cha Wanna Do (3:09)
  12. That's What Friends Are For (The Vulture Song) (2:06)
  13. Tiger Fight (2:43)
  14. Poor Bear (1:08)
  15. My Own Home (The Jungle Book Theme) (3:32)
  16. The Bare Necessities (Reprise) (0:57)
  17. Interview with the Sherman Brothers (12:26)
  18. Baloo's Blues (3:02)
  19. It's a Kick (1:42)
  20. Brothers All (Demo Recording) (3:41)
  21. The Song of the Seeonce (Demo Recording) (2:39)