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The Greatest Story Ever Told

Dane płyty

CD 0856/2
Alfred Newman
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Greatest Story Ever Told


  1. Overture - Main Title (4:37)
  2. And The World Was God, Trumpets Announce the Dawn, The Three Magi (3:10)
  3. The Nativity, The Infant Massacre (5:58)
  4. Flight Into Egypt (1:34)
  5. Ophel Quarters (2:15)
  6. Hosanna (1:51)
  7. I Will Make You Fishers of Men (1:42)
  8. Lillies of The Field (2:25)
  9. Jesus on Lazarus' Porch Jerusalem, Jerusalem (7:56)
  10. Rise and You Shall Walk (5:19)
  11. Misty Night, Triumphant Return To Capernaum (6:44)
  12. Who Do Men Say That I Am? (3:52)
  13. Jesus and His Mother (3:02)
  14. Jesus Leaves Nazareth (2:30)
  15. Prayer By The Jordan (2:27)
  16. Lazarus, Come Forth (4:59)