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The Truman Show

Dane płyty

CD 0825
Burkhad Dallwitz
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Truman Show


  1. Trutalk (1:19)
  2. It's A Life (1:29)
  3. Aquaphobia (0:39)
  4. Dreaming of Fiji (1:54) Philip Glass
  5. Flashback (1:20)
  6. Anthem -Part Two (3:51) Philip Glass
  7. The Beginning (4:11) Philip Glass
  8. Romance -Larghetto (10:45) Fryderyk Chopin
  9. Drive (3:36)
  10. Underground (0:57)
  11. Do Something ! (0:45)
  12. Living Waters (3:48) Philip Glass
  13. Reunion (2:26)
  14. Truman Sleeps (1:51) Philip Glass
  15. Truman Sets Sail (1:57)
  16. Underground, Storm (3:37)
  17. Raising the Sail (2:15) Philip Glass
  18. Father Kolbe's Preaching (2:26) Wojciech Kilar
  19. Opening (2:16) Philip Glass
  20. A New Life (2:01)
  21. Twentieth Century Boy (3:23) The Big Six