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Lost In Space

Dane płyty

CD 0792
Bruce Broughton
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Lost In Space
Tytuł fimu polski:
Zagubieni w kosmosie


  1. Lost In Space (theme) (3:27) Apollo Four Forty
  2. I'm Here...Another Planet (4:21) Juno Reactor & The Creatures
  3. Busy Child (7:26) The Crystal Method
  4. Bang On ! (5:46) Propellerheads
  5. Everybody Needs a 303 (5:49) Fatboy Slim
  6. Will & Penny's Theme (3:22) Apollo Four Forty
  7. Song For Penny (5:34) Death In Vegas
  8. Lost in Space (3:29) Space
  9. Main Title (1:03)
  10. Reprogram the Robot (2:16)
  11. The Launch (4:13)
  12. The Robot Attack (2:53)
  13. The Proteus (2:26)
  14. Spiders Attack (2:26)
  15. Jupiter Crashes (1:16)
  16. Spider Smith (2:42)
  17. Kill The Monster (3:53)
  18. The Portal (2:46)
  19. Thru The Planet (2:53)