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Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle

Dane płyty

CD 0790
Mark Isham
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle
Tytuł fimu polski:
Pani Parker i krąg jej przyjaciół


  1. into love... (1:36)
  2. the algonquin bounce (1:57)
  3. the vanity blues (4:51)
  4. observation (1:29)
  5. the smart set stomp (3:38)
  6. if you and i were one (3:41)
  7. day dreams (0:51)
  8. park bench (4:35)
  9. two volume novel (0:11)
  10. into love and out again (5:00)
  11. benchly's blues (2:56)
  12. the ballad of dorothy parker (3:31)
  13. lady's reward (1:12)
  14. the vicious blues (3:49)
  15. a well worn story (1:38)
  16. he didn't love back (1:58)
  17. two wive's blues (4:31)
  18. the algonquin smart set (reprise) (3:44)
  19. ...and out again (1:22)