Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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Swept from the Sea

Dane płyty

CD 0691
John Barry
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Swept from the Sea
Tytuł fimu polski:
Kochankowie sztormowego morza


  1. Swept from the Sea (3:14)
  2. To America (3:04)
  3. The Storm Came (1:43)
  4. Sea of Death (4:15)
  5. Search for Yanko, Night Meeting (5:43)
  6. Yanko Asks Amy Out (2:10)
  7. The Cave The Sea, The Memorial (6:55)
  8. Try to Kill Yanko, Kennedy Speaks of Things (2:45)
  9. Yanko's Dance (1:55)
  10. Love in the Pool (2:34)
  11. He's Your Half Brother (3:37)
  12. Jump on Board to the Cottage (2:00)
  13. The Wedding (3:52)
  14. Yanko and Son Dance (1:37)
  15. Yanko's Delirium (2:52)
  16. Yanko About to Die (4:24)
  17. You Came from the Sea (4:53)
  18. To Love and Be Loved (4:28)