Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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Washington Square

Dane płyty

CD 0668
Jan A. P. Kaczmarek
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Washington Square
Tytuł fimu polski:
Plac Waszyngtona


  1. Washington Square (2:07)
  2. Catherine inthe Window (1:05)
  3. Catherine and Morris (2:18)
  4. First Kiss (2:43)
  5. That Must be Love (2:14)
  6. Lavinia (2:06)
  7. No to Morris (1:10)
  8. No to Catherine (1:24)
  9. Catherine and the Mirror (2:48)
  10. Catherine's Nocturne (2:13)
  11. Romance Quartet (3:07)
  12. Please Wait for Me (1:38)
  13. L'Absence (2:40)
  14. Lavinia and Morris (1:11)
  15. The Alps (1:31)
  16. Reunion (1:33)
  17. Unfinished Nocturne (0:48)
  18. Despair (1:31)
  19. Lullaby (0:54)
  20. Father is Dying (3:00)
  21. The Tale of the String (1:33)
  22. Please Don't Come Here Again (2:50)
  23. The End Credits (1:30)
  24. L'Abence Again (5:03)