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M. Butterfly

Dane płyty

CD 0662
Howard Shore
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
M. Butterfly


  1. M. Butterfly (2:02)
  2. Concubine (4:10)
  3. Entrance of Butterfly, Drunken Beauty (3:02) Giacomo Puccini
  4. Dragonfly (3:18)
  5. The Great Wall (1:48)
  6. Even the Softest Skin (4:39)
  7. Sha Jia Bang (2:10)
  8. Bonfire of the Vanities, Cultural Revolution (3:27)
  9. He Was the Perfect Father (0:53)
  10. Are You My Butterfly? (2:18)
  11. The Only Time I Ever Really Existed (4:08)
  12. What I Loved Was the Lie (1:03)
  13. Everything Has Been Destroyed (1:44)
  14. Un Bel Di (4:15) Giacomo Puccini
  15. My Name Is Rene Gallimard (3:43)