Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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Land and Freedom

Dane płyty

CD 0650
George Fenton
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Land and Freedom
Tytuł fimu polski:
Ziemia i wolność


  1. Land and Freedom (Generique) (3:02)
  2. No pasaran (2:22)
  3. Journey to the front (2:25)
  4. Blanca's theme (1:51)
  5. The common cause (2:07)
  6. Coogan's funeral (1:23)
  7. Taking the village (5:42)
  8. Divided (2:36)
  9. Execution (2:19)
  10. Consolation (2:10)
  11. Leaving Barcelona (1:50)
  12. The attack (3:49)
  13. Between the bullet and the lie (2:37)
  14. Going home (3:11)
  15. The price of Freedom (1:25)
  16. The fight goes on (0:40)
  17. Land and Freedom (Parties 1 & 2) (2:34)