Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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101 Dalmatians

Dane płyty

CD 0621
Michael Kamen
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
101 Dalmatians
Tytuł fimu polski:
101 dalmatyńczyków


  1. Cruella De Vil (4:08) Dr. John
  2. Walking the Dogs 101 Dalmatians, Good Morning Pongo (3:56)
  3. The House of da Vil (6:56)
  4. Daisy, Daisy (2:05)
  5. The Wedding (7:05)
  6. Going to have a puppy, I adore puppies (2:41)
  7. The Heist Birth, 15 puppies (7:19)
  8. Kipper the Die Hard Dog (1:29)
  9. Woof On the Roof (3:26)
  10. Rescue (2:09)
  11. Kipper Finds The puppies (5:18)
  12. Pup Pup, Pup (4:17)
  13. Reunion in the Barn (5:19)
  14. Puppies in the Mist (2:00)
  15. Home, One big happy family (3:53)