Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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Micheal Collins

Dane płyty

CD 0600
Elliot Goldenthal
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Micheal Collins


  1. Easter Rebellion (3:15) Sinead O'Connor
  2. Fire and Arms (1:41)
  3. Train Station Farewell (1:56)
  4. Winter Raid (2:38)
  5. Elegy for a Sunday (3:07)
  6. Football Match (1:50)
  7. On Cats Feet (4:29)
  8. Defiance and Arrest (1:50)
  9. Train to Granard (1:31)
  10. Boland Returns (Kitty's Waltz) (1:19)
  11. His Majesty's Finest (2:11)
  12. Boland's Death (1:39)
  13. Home to Cork (1:19)
  14. Civil War (2:11) Sinead O'Connor
  15. Collins' Proposal (1:25)
  16. An Anthem Deferred (1:45)
  17. She Moved Through the Fair (4:57) Sinead O'Connor
  18. Funeral, Coda (4:33)
  19. Macushla (3:39)