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The Hunchback Of Notre Dame

Dane płyty

CD 0526
Alan Menken
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
Tytuł fimu polski:
Dzwonnik z Notre Dame


  1. The Bells Of Notre Dame (6:25)
  2. Out There (4:25)
  3. Topsy Turvy (5:36)
  4. Humiliation (1:40)
  5. God Help The Outcasts (3:44)
  6. The Bell Tower (3:05)
  7. Hellfire (5:24) Heaven's Lights
  8. A Guy Like You (2:54)
  9. Paris Burning (1:56)
  10. The Court Of Miracles (1:27)
  11. Sanctuary ! (6:02)
  12. And He Shall Smite The Wicked (3:30)
  13. Into The Sunlight (2:08)
  14. The Bells Of Notre Dame (Reprise) (1:11)
  15. Someday (4:20) All-4-One
  16. God Help The Outcasts (Reprise) (3:38) Bette Midler