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Henry V

Dane płyty

CD 0453
Patrick Doyle
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Henry V
Tytuł fimu polski:
Henryk V


  1. Opening Title - 'O! For A Muse Of Fire' (3:37)
  2. Henry V Theme - The Boar's Head (2:48)
  3. The Three Traitors (2:04)
  4. For France! Now Lords (2:44)
  5. The Death Of Falstaff (1:58)
  6. Once More Unto The Breach (3:47)
  7. The Threat To The Governor Of Harfleur - Katherine Of France - T (5:54)
  8. The Death Of Bardolph (2:25)
  9. Upon The King (4:52)
  10. St. Crispin's Day - The Battle Of Agincourt (14:15)
  11. The Day Is Yours (2:37)
  12. Domine Non Nobis (4:12)
  13. The Wooing Of Katherine (2:26)
  14. Let This Acceptance Take (2:54)
  15. End Title (2:45)