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The Quick And The Dead

Dane płyty

CD 0347
Alan Silvestri
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Quick And The Dead
Tytuł fimu polski:
Szybcy i martwi


  1. Redemption (3:30)
  2. Gunfight Montage (1:50)
  3. Couldn't Tell Us Apart (1:30)
  4. John Herod (1:29)
  5. Ellen's First Round (1:16)
  6. Lady's The Winner (0:55)
  7. Dinner Tonight (2:21)
  8. Core's Story (1:12)
  9. Ellen Vs. Dred (1:21)
  10. kid Vs. Herod (4:28)
  11. I Didn't Wanna Die (1:59)
  12. The Big Day (2:48)
  13. Ellen Returns (4:24)
  14. The Law's Come Back To Town (0:57)
  15. The Quick And The Dead ( End Credits ) (3:47)