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CD 0295
Henryk Kuźniak


  1. English Waltz I (2:40)
  2. English Waltz II (2:54)
  3. English Waltz III (2:19)
  4. French Waltz (2:33)
  5. Russian Waltz (3:42)
  6. Tyrol Waltz (1:28)
  7. Swabian Waltz (1:11)
  8. Surrealistic Waltz I (1:36)
  9. Surrealistic Waltz II (3:03)
  10. Tango a la Concerto (4:57)
  11. Lager Tango (2:42)
  12. Grand Salon Tango I (1:58)
  13. Grand Salon Tango II (2:39)
  14. Tango in Paris (4:05)
  15. Yiddish Tango (1:50)
  16. Rustic Tango (1:41)
  17. Around the World Tango (3:59)
  18. Dancing Fox - trot (1:40)
  19. Salon Fox - trot (1:57)
  20. Fox - trot in a Student Club (0:40)
  21. Slow Fox - trot in a Elegant Restaurant for Old Boys (2:04)
  22. Quick Ragtime in Marine Bar (1:55)
  23. Rumba from the 20s (2:26)
  24. Dance pieces from the 50s (1:19)
  25. Twist from the 60s (0:49)
  26. Cinema Boogi Style of the 20s (1:10)
  27. Lager Romance (1:55)
  28. Java C est la vie (2:18)
  29. Polish dance from the Outskirts (1:35)
  30. Polish dance (2:23)
  31. Old town cabman - waltz (2:04)
  32. Rustic wedding march to welcome guests (1:36)