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The Madness of King George

Dane płyty

CD 0256
Georg Friedrich Handel / George Fenton
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Madness of King George
Tytuł fimu polski:
Szaleństwo króla Jerzego


  1. Opening the Houses of Parliament (4:14)
  2. Prelude (1:24)
  3. The Madness of King George Front Titles (3:11)
  4. It's What You're Paid For Smiles (1:02)
  5. The King Goes Riding (2:25)
  6. A Family Matter (2:26)
  7. The Cricket Match (1:37)
  8. The King Wakes Up Early, Do It England (3:40)
  9. The Concert (2:53)
  10. We Have No Time (1:49)
  11. He Will Be Restrained (2:20)
  12. London is Flooded (3:56)
  13. Going to Kew (1:49)
  14. Starting to Recover (2:54)
  15. The Chancellor Drives To London (2:10)
  16. The Prince Regent (1:40)
  17. Mr. and Mrs. King (3:04)
  18. The Madness of King George End Credits (4:59)