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The Witcher

Dane płyty

CD 8910/2
Sonya Belousova / Giona Ostinelli
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Witcher
Tytuł fimu polski:


  1. The End's Beginning (2:18) feat. Declan De Barra
  2. Gold Dragons Are the Rarest (5:49) feat. Rodion Belousov
  3. Everytime You Leave (2:07)
  4. Rewriting History (3:54) feat. Rodion Belousov
  5. Djinni Djinn Djinn (2:09)
  6. Yennefer of Vengerberg (3:10)
  7. Do You Actually Have What It Takes (4:52)
  8. Here's Your Destiny (3:48)
  9. Two Vows Here Tonight (3:02)
  10. Point Me to Temeria (0:56)
  11. You Think You're Safe (0:43) feat. Joey Batey
  12. Would You Honor Me With a Dance (2:03)
  13. The Pensive Dragon Inn (1:29) feat. Lindsay Deutsch
  14. Four Marks (4:17) feat. Rodion Belousov
  15. Today Isn't Your Day Is It (1:38)
  16. Lovely Rendez-vous a la Montagne (2:39)
  17. The White Flame Has Brought Us Together (3:35)
  18. A Gift for the Princess (2:48)
  19. You'll Have to Fight It Until Dawn (9:04)
  20. I'm the One with the Wishes (7:33)
  21. The Song of the White Wolf (3:45) feat. Declan De Barra