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CD 8913/1
Ben Salisbury / The Insects / Geoff Barrow
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:


  1. Plainsong (1:15) Ben Salisbury
  2. Stranger Danger (2:01) The Insects
  3. Amaya Corporation (2:36) Ben Salisbury
  4. Entering Devs / The Machine (6:28) Ben Salisbury / Geoff Barrow
  5. Stealing The Code (2:45) Ben Salisbury / Geoff Barrow
  6. Two Concurrent States (3:36) Ben Salisbury
  7. Tramlines (2:47) The Insects
  8. Were You Listening? (2:07) The Insects
  9. Suffocation (1:37) Ben Salisbury / Geoff Barrow
  10. You're Fired (2:06) The Insects / Ben Salisbury
  11. Christ (1:35) The Insects
  12. Sudoku (2:21) Ben Salisbury / Geoff Barrow
  13. Amaya's Theme (Version 1) (2:08) Ben Salisbury
  14. The Visualisation Chamber (2:30) Ben Salisbury
  15. Reporting A Crime (13:30) The Insects
  16. All Possible Worlds (1:03) Ben Salisbury
  17. The Insects (1:40) Ben Salisbury
  18. Specifically You (3:08) Ben Salisbury
  19. Crash No Crash (1:38) Ben Salisbury
  20. Stay In My Bed (3:22) Ben Salisbury