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The Crown Season Four

Dane płyty

CD 8914
Martin Phipps
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Crown


  1. War (2:57)
  2. Fairtale (4:49)
  3. The Diana Effect (2:25)
  4. Simple Harp Variation No. 1 (2:35)
  5. Voices (3:32)
  6. Hereditary (1:45)
  7. The Whole of Me (3:24)
  8. Commonwealth (3:53)
  9. Fred & Gladys (2:40)
  10. Daggers (2:35)
  11. Tremulus (2:37)
  12. Queen vs PM (5:37)
  13. Simple Harp Variation No. 2 (2:32)
  14. Your Royal Highness (2:22)