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Little Women

Dane płyty

CD 8795
Alexandre Desplat
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Little Women
Tytuł fimu polski:
Małe kobietki


  1. Little Women (3:12)
  2. Plumfield (3:39)
  3. The Beach (2:49)
  4. Christmas Morning (2:53)
  5. Dance on the Porch (1:08)
  6. Ice Skating (2:14)
  7. The Book (3:37)
  8. Father Comes Home (3:18)
  9. Christmas Breakfast (2:34)
  10. Amy (1:26)
  11. Friedrich Dances With Jo (1:34)
  12. Telegram (1:50)
  13. Theatre In The Attic (2:28)
  14. Laurie Kisses Amy (1:23)
  15. Friedrich (1:33)
  16. Laurie And Jo On The Hill (1:02)
  17. Young Love (1:35)
  18. Meg's Dress (4:27)
  19. Carriage Ride (1:49)
  20. Laurie (0:56)
  21. The Letter (2:40)
  22. Snow In The Garden (2:40)
  23. Jo Writers (3:50)
  24. Amy, Fred, Meg And John (3:49)
  25. Dr March's Daughters (4:47)
  26. It's Romance (1:24)