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The Highwaymen

Dane płyty

CD 8558
Thomas Newman
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Highwaymen


  1. Ford v-8 Deluxe (Main Title) (3:40)
  2. Eastham Prison Farm (1:22)
  3. Bonnie and Clyde (2:04)
  4. Ain't She Fun (2:05)
  5. 16 Bullets (1:05)
  6. Maney Gault (1:52)
  7. Coffeyville (1:28)
  8. Red Beans & Cabbage (0:54)
  9. Across Texas (2:21)
  10. Into Oklahoma (1:35)
  11. Laudanum (1:55)
  12. Bass Man Jive (Ocie Stockard and his Wanderers) (2:34)
  13. West Dallas Viaduct (3:16)
  14. Bottle Boy (1:19)
  15. Pump Jockey (1:39)
  16. The Other Fifty (2:14)
  17. Bad Seed (4:34)
  18. Billy Mace (1:10)
  19. Dope For The Girl (5:09)
  20. Afraid To Dream (Benny Goodman andHis Orchestra) (2:42)
  21. Easter Morning (1:39)
  22. Metal Man (1:44)
  23. Candelaria (5:26)
  24. Bienville Parish,LA (2:37)
  25. Cement City (1:24)
  26. Ringgold Road (4:09)
  27. The Shame Of Arcadia (4:02)
  28. Terrible Gift (2:57)
  29. The Highwaymen (End Title) (6:29)