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Goodbye Christopher Robin

Dane płyty

CD 8314
Carter Burwell
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Goodbye Christopher Robin
Tytuł fimu polski:
Żegnaj Christopher Robin


  1. Tree of Memory (4:01)
  2. Birth (1:23)
  3. First Night (2:09)
  4. Cotchford Farm (1:54)
  5. Object of My Affection (3:23) The Boswell Sisters / Jimmie Grier
  6. Toys and Stars (1:25)
  7. Into the Forest (3:00)
  8. Bear Hunt (1:58)
  9. Goes to Town in a Golden Gown (1:07)
  10. To the Zoo (1:56)
  11. Balloons (0:50)
  12. Snowrice Snowfall (2:26)
  13. A Man and His Dream (3:24) Al Bowlly
  14. Drawing Pooh (2:34)
  15. I'm Billy Moon and I'll Be Back Soon (1:57)
  16. When We Were Young (0:47)
  17. The People a Person Loves (1:38)
  18. Fame (3:37)
  19. Tea With Christopher Robin (3:24)
  20. Keep Your Memories (3:27)
  21. Down the Stairs Nobody Cares (0:54)
  22. Not Another Word (1:31)
  23. Private Milne (1:19)
  24. Billy Leaves (5:35)
  25. If It Isn't Billy Moon Well (3:16)
  26. Home I Should Think (2:12)