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The Hobbit. An Unexpected Journey

Dane płyty

CD 6578/2
Howard Shore
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Hobbit. An Unexpected Journey
Tytuł fimu polski:
Hobbit: Niezwykła podróż


  1. The Hidden Valley (3:50)
  2. Moon Runes (Extended Version) (3:39)
  3. The Defiler (1:14)
  4. The White Council (Extended Version) (9:41)
  5. Over Hill (3:44)
  6. A Thunder Battle (3:55)
  7. Under Hill (1:55)
  8. Riddles in the Dark (5:21)
  9. Brass Buttons (7:38)
  10. Out of the Frying-Pan (5:55)
  11. A Good Omen (5:47)
  12. Song of the Lonely Mountain (Extended Version) (6:01) Neil Finn
  13. Dreaming of Bag End (1:57)
  14. A Very Respectable Hobbit (Exclusive Bonus Track) (1:22)
  15. Erebor (1:19)
  16. The Dwarf Lords (2:02)
  17. The Edge of the Wild (3:34)