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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Dane płyty

CD 6222/1
Trent Reznor / Atticus Ross
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Tytuł fimu polski:
Dziewczyna z tatuażem


  1. Immigrant Song (2:47)
  2. She Reminds Me of You (4:25)
  3. People Lie All the Time (4:10)
  4. Pinned and Mounted (5:04)
  5. Perihelion (6:01)
  6. What If We Could? (4:07)
  7. With the Flies (7:41)
  8. Hidden in Snow (5:18)
  9. A Thousand Details (3:58)
  10. One Particular Moment (7:00)
  11. I Can’t Take It Anymore (1:48)
  12. How Brittle the Bones (1:49)
  13. Please Take Your Hand Away (6:00)