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The Godfather. Part III

Dane płyty

CD 0215
Carmine Coppola / Nino Rota
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Godfather. Part III
Tytuł fimu polski:
Ojciec chrzestny III


  1. Main Title (0:42)
  2. The Godfather Waltz (1:10)
  3. Marcia Beligroso (2:51)
  4. Michael's Letter (1:08)
  5. Love Theme From The Godfather Part III The Immigrant (2:36)
  6. The Godfather Waltz (1:24)
  7. To Each His Own (3:21) Al Martino
  8. Vincent's Theme (1:49)
  9. Altobello (2:08)
  10. The Godfather Intermezzo (3:22)
  11. Sicilian Medley (2:10)
  12. Promise Me You'll Remember (5:11) Harry Connick Jr.
  13. Preludio And Siciliana (8:15)
  14. A Casa Amiche (1:59)
  15. Preghiera (5:30)
  16. Finale (8:12)
  17. Coda: The Godfather Finale (2:38)