Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
Dane płyty
- Obliviate (3:02)
- Snape to Malfoy Manor (1:58)
- Polyjuice Potion (3:32)
- Sky Battle (3:48)
- At the Burrow (2:35)
- Harry and Ginny (1:43)
- The Will (3:39)
- Death Eaters (3:14)
- Dobby (3:49)
- Ministry of Magic (1:46)
- Detonators (2:23)
- The Locket (1:52)
- Fireplaces Escape (2:54)
- Ron Leaves (2:35)
- The Exodus (1:37)
- Godric’s Hollow Graveyard (3:15)
- Bathilda Bagshot (3:54)
- Hermione’s Parents (5:50)
- Destroying the Locket (1:10)
- Ron’s Speech (2:16)
- Lovegood (3:27)
- The Deathly Hallows (3:17)
- Captured and Tortured (2:56)
- Rescuing Hermione (1:50)
- Farewell to Dobby (3:43)
- The Elder Wand (1:38)