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Map of the Human Heart

Dane płyty

CD 0210
Gabriel Yared
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Map of the Human Heart
Tytuł fimu polski:
Mapa ludzkiego serca


  1. Map of the human heart (2:24)
  2. Ma metisse (3:45) Marie Pelissier
  3. Thrown up in a walrus blanket (1:26)
  4. The Arctic jig (1:31)
  5. Like a bird on the way to Montreal (3:42)
  6. Radio voices across the ice (1:37)
  7. Grandma dies (1:12)
  8. Albertine's Waltz (2:32)
  9. Lovers on balloon (2:55)
  10. Barefoot in the Albert Hall (3:34)
  11. First mission (1:53)
  12. Bombing raid (3:08)
  13. Violin solo (0:56)
  14. Dresden holocaust Farmboy's death (3:44)
  15. There's a map to my heart (0:40)
  16. The wedding / End music (8:51)