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Singin' in the Rain

Dane płyty

CD 4959
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Singin' in the Rain
Tytuł fimu polski:
Deszczowa piosenka


  1. Singin' in the Rain (2:55) Gene Kelly
  2. Fit as a fiddle (1:34) Gene Kelly / Donald O'Connor
  3. All I do is dream of you (1:10) Debie Reynolds / Cast Female
  4. Make'em laugh (2:30) Donald O'Connor
  5. You were meant for me (3:11) Gene Kelly
  6. Good morning (2:49) Gene Kelly / Debbie Reynolds / Donald O'Connor
  7. All I do is dream of you (3:09) Gene Kelly
  8. Moses (2:53) Gene Kelly / Donald O'Connor
  9. Brodway ballet (2:54) Gene Kelly
  10. You are my lucky star (2:52) Gene Kelly / Debbie Reynolds
  11. Tammy (3:06) Debbie Reynolds
  12. Lullaby in blue (3:15) Debbie Reynolds / Eddie Fisher
  13. Aba daba honeymoon (3:14) Debbie Reynolds / Carleton Carpenter
  14. What's so good about good morning & worry about tomorrow, tomorrow (1:37) Debbie Reynolds
  15. I got rhythm (3:30) Gene Kelly
  16. Almost like being in love (2:39) Gene Kelly
  17. S'wonderful (3:00) Gene Kelly / Georges Guetary
  18. Love is here to stay (2:47) Gene Kelly