Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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Super Troopers

Dane płyty

CD 4499
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Super Troopers
Tytuł fimu polski:
Straż wiejska


  1. Trooper With an Attitude (3:26) 38 Special
  2. Geez Louise (3:25) The Unband
  3. Shoot First, Run Like Hell (2:25) Nashville Pussy
  4. Pass the Hatchet (2:47) Southern Culture On The Skids
  5. Big Bear (2:40) Steak
  6. Cheap Motels (2:23) Southern Culture On The Skids
  7. Cannot One Night Stand It (Anymore) (4:14) Jack Grace Band
  8. Bad Apples (4:18) Royal Fingerbowl
  9. Bidibodi Bidibu (2:24) Bubbles
  10. Wrong Side of a Gun (2:47) Nashville Pussy
  11. Southern Culture On The Skids (3:02) The Corn Rocket
  12. Southern Culture On The Skids (3:57) King of the Mountain
  13. Worm Farm (4:13) ack Grace Band
  14. Second to the Bottle (2:14) Steak
  15. Pink Slip (3:00) The Unband