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Batman Forever

Dane płyty

CD 3674
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Batman Forever


  1. Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me (4:46) U2
  2. One time too many (2:52) Pj Harvey
  3. Where are you now? (3:57) Brandy
  4. Kiss from a rose (3:38) Seal
  5. The hunter gets captured by the game (4:06) Massive Attack / Tracey Thorn
  6. Nobody lives without love (5:05) Eddi Reader
  7. Tell me now (4:17) Mazzy Star
  8. Smash it up (3:26) The Offspring
  9. There is a light (4:23) Nick Cave
  10. The riddler (3:30) Method Man
  11. The passenger (4:37) Michael Hutchence
  12. Crossing the river (4:45) The Devlins
  13. 8 (5:27) Sunny Day Real Estate
  14. Bad days (4:39) The Flaming Lips