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We Own the Night

Dane płyty

CD 3162
Wojciech Kilar
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
We Own the Night
Tytuł fimu polski:
Królowie nocy


  1. Heart Of Glass (5:47) Blondie
  2. Let's Dance (4:07) David Bowie
  3. Rapture (6:27) Blondie
  4. Message To You Rudy (2:53) The Specials
  5. A Little Bit Of Soap (2:14) The Jarmels
  6. Que Pasa (6:19) Coati Mundi
  7. Should I (2:02) Louis Prima
  8. Descarga Total (6:03) Maraca
  9. I Ain't Got Nobody (4:38) Louis Prima / Keely Smith
  10. Mambo Diablo (4:09) Tito Puente
  11. I'll Be Seeing You (3:03) Jackie Gleason
  12. Club Raid (1:30)
  13. Dad Visits Bobby (1:30)
  14. Bobby Gets News (0:42)
  15. Bobby Sees Joe (2:08)
  16. Bobby Kiss Amada (1:24)
  17. Bobby Breaks Leg (1:45)
  18. Vadim Escapes (2:59)
  19. Burt Dies (1:03)
  20. Funeral (1:08)
  21. Bobby and Joe Talk (0:50)
  22. Planning the Bust (1:48)
  23. Vadim Dies (2:46)
  24. End Credits (2:56)