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The Browning Version

Dane płyty

CD 0181
Mark Isham
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Browning Version
Tytuł fimu polski:
Wersja Browninga


  1. In Founder's Court (1:29)
  2. Taplow (1:15)
  3. Cromwells (1:49)
  4. The Agamemnon (1:32)
  5. The Art of Learning is to Conceal Learning (2:07)
  6. Hitler of the Lower Fifth (0:41)
  7. In the Village (0:50)
  8. Just Good Friends (1:11)
  9. God From Afar, looks graciously upon a gentle master (2:55)
  10. Defiant Creature (0:53)
  11. The Secrets of a Marriage (2:17)
  12. World's Apart (2:39)
  13. Night Crawlers (1:01)
  14. Toujours la Politesse (0:55)
  15. Goodbye (2:29)
  16. The Noblest Calling (2:28)
  17. To Forgive Myself (3:03)
  18. Prize Giving (1:18)
  19. The Browning Version (6:33)