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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Dane płyty

CD 2830
Nicholas Hooper
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Tytuł fimu polski:
Harry Potter i zakon feniksa


  1. Fireworks (1:45)
  2. Professor Umbridge (2:32)
  3. Another Story (2:37)
  4. Dementors in the Underpass (1:43)
  5. Dumbledore's Army (2:40)
  6. Hall of Prophesy (4:25)
  7. Possession (3:18)
  8. The Room of Requirement (6:07)
  9. The Kiss (1:56)
  10. A Journey To Hogwarts (2:52)
  11. The Sirius Deception (2:34)
  12. Death of Sirius (3:56)
  13. Umbridge Spoils a Beautiful Morning (2:38)
  14. Darkness Takes Over (2:57)
  15. The Ministry of Magic (2:47)
  16. The Sacking of Trelawney (2:13)
  17. Flight of the Order of the Phoenix (1:31)
  18. Loved Ones and Leaving (3:15)