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Merry Christmas

Dane płyty

CD 2539
Philippe Rombi
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Joyeux Noel / Merry Christmas
Tytuł fimu polski:
Boże Narodzenie


  1. Ave Maria (4:24)
  2. Overture (4:05)
  3. Fraternizers' hymn (1:26)
  4. Anna and Nikolaus (2:06)
  5. War (6:00)
  6. Soldiers' burial (3:07)
  7. Bist du bei mir (4:05)
  8. Silent Night (4:18)
  9. Jonathan's letter (0:51)
  10. Ponchel's letter (1:18)
  11. The football match (1:49)
  12. The bishop's sermon (3:14)
  13. The soldiers' mail (1:32)
  14. War Adagio (5:07)
  15. The Absence theme (7:13)
  16. Fraternizers' hymn: "I'm dreaming of home" (4:24)
  17. Adeste fideles (4:15)
  18. Invitations (2:58)
  19. Anna and Nikolaus (2:29)
  20. Aria for violin and orchestra (3:59)
  21. Fraternizers' hymn (murmurs and vocalises) (4:25)