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Broken Flowers

Dane płyty

CD 2536
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Broken Flowers


  1. There Is An End (3:05) The Greenhornes / Holly Golightly
  2. Yegelle Tezeta (3:14) Mulatu Astatke
  3. Ride Your Donkey (2:03) The Tennors
  4. I Want You (3:57) Marvin Gaye
  5. Yekermo Sew (4:03) Mulatu Astatke
  6. Not If You Were The Last Dandy On Earth (2:49) Brian Jonestown Massacre
  7. Tell Me Now So I Know (2:02) Holly Golightly
  8. Gubelye (4:35) Mulatu Astatke
  9. Dopesmoker (3:57) Sleep
  10. Requiem, op. 48 (Pie Jesu) (3:30) Gabriel Faure
  11. Ethanopium (4:38) Dengue Fever
  12. Unnatural Habitat (2:08) The Greenhornes