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The Legend of Zorro

Dane płyty

CD 2534
James Horner
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Legend of Zorro
Tytuł fimu polski:
Legenda Zorro


  1. Collecting The Ballots (3:25)
  2. Stolen Votes (6:31)
  3. To The Governor's... And Then Elena (4:05)
  4. This Is Who I Am (3:05)
  5. Classroom Justice (1:50)
  6. The Cortez Ranch (6:35)
  7. A Proposal With Pearls / Perilous Times (3:58)
  8. Joaquin's Capture And Zorro's Rescue (5:00)
  9. Jailbreak / Reunited (5:36)
  10. A Dinner Of Pigeon / Setting The Explosives (5:04)
  11. Mad Dash / Zorro Unmasked (3:20)
  12. Just One Drop Of Nitro (2:40)
  13. The Train (11:11)
  14. Statehood Proclaimed (5:00)
  15. My Family Is My Life... (8:14)