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King Kong

Dane płyty

CD 2393
James Newton Howard
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
King Kong


  1. King Kong (1:09)
  2. A Fateful Meeting (4:17)
  3. Defeat is Always Momentary (2:48)
  4. It's in the Subtext (3:20)
  5. Two Grand (2:35)
  6. The Venture Departs (4:03)
  7. Last Blank Space on the Map (4:44)
  8. It's Deserted (7:09)
  9. Something Monstrous... Neither Beast Nor Man (2:38)
  10. Head Towards The Animals (2:48)
  11. Beautiful (4:09)
  12. Tooth and Claw (6:18)
  13. That's All There Is... (3:26)
  14. Captured (2:26)
  15. Central Park (4:36)
  16. The Empire State Building (2:36)
  17. Beauty Killed The Beast I (2:00)
  18. Beauty Killed The Beast II (2:23)
  19. Beauty Killed The Beast III (2:15)
  20. Beauty Killed The Beast IV (4:46)
  21. Beauty Killed The Beast V (4:14)