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Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

Dane płyty

CD 2392
Patrick Doyle
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
Tytuł fimu polski:
Harry Potter i czara ognia


  1. The Story Continues (1:31)
  2. Frank Dies (2:13)
  3. The Quidditch World Cup (1:52)
  4. The Dark Mark (3:28)
  5. Foreign Visitors Arrive (1:31)
  6. The Goblet of Fire (3:23)
  7. Rita Skeeter (1:42)
  8. Sirius Fire (2:01)
  9. Harry Sees Dragons (1:55)
  10. Golden Egg (6:11)
  11. Nevile's Waltz (2:12)
  12. Harry in Winter (2:56)
  13. Potter Waltz (2:19)
  14. Underwater Secrets (2:29)
  15. The Black Lake (4:37)
  16. Hogwarts' March (2:47)
  17. The Maze (4:44)
  18. Voldemort (9:40)
  19. Death of Cedric (2:00)
  20. Another Year Ends (2:21)
  21. Hogwarts' Hymn (3:00)
  22. Do The Hippocriff (3:39)
  23. This is The Night (3:24)
  24. Magic Works (4:02)