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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

Dane płyty

CD 2309
Joby Talbot
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
Tytuł fimu polski:
Autostopem przez galaktykę


  1. The Dolphins (1:00)
  2. So Long & Thanks For All The Fish (2:26)
  3. Arthur Wakes Up (2:53)
  4. Betty Wright - Shoo-Rah! Shoo-Rah! (2:51)
  5. Al Green - Here I Am (Come And Take Me) (4:13)
  6. Destruction Of Earth (1:31)
  7. Journey Of The Sorcerer (1:15)
  8. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1:14)
  9. Inside the Vogon Ship (2:46)
  10. Vogon Poetry (0:48)
  11. Space (1:00)
  12. Vogon Command Centre (1:00)
  13. Trillian and Arthur Reunited (1:45)
  14. Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster (1:40)
  15. Tea in Space (1:08)
  16. Deep Thought (2:06)
  17. Infinite Improbability Drive (0:55)
  18. Viltvodle Street Music (0:44)
  19. Gabriel Crouch - Huma's Hymn (1:01)
  20. Capture of Trillian (4:27)
  21. Vogcity (1:02)
  22. Love (1:44)
  23. The Whale (1:53)
  24. Planet Factory Floor (2:29)
  25. Earth Mark II (6:29)
  26. Perry Como - Magic Moments (2:37)
  27. Shootout (3:23)
  28. Finale (1:50)
  29. Blast Off (0:16)
  30. Neil Hannon - So Long and Thanks for all the Fish (2:54)
  31. Careless Talk (1:42)
  32. \nFran Blake - Vote Beeblebrox s (3:27)
  33. Stephen Fry - Reasons to be Miserable (His Name is Marvin) (3:53)