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Euripides: Trojan women

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CD 2272
Eleni Karaindrou


  1. Voices (2:10)
  2. Lament I (1:16)
  3. Desolate land I (1:07)
  4. Lament II (1:06)
  5. Hecuba's lament (1:27)
  6. Parodos (The land I call home) (2:18)
  7. Parodos (Home of my forefathers) (1:50)
  8. Parodos (I wish I'm given there) (1:36)
  9. Cassandra's theme (2:03)
  10. Cassandra's trance (2:53)
  11. First stasimon (An ode of tears) (4:05)
  12. First stasimosn (For the Phrygian land a vast mourning) (2:01)
  13. Andromache's theme (1:10)
  14. Andromache's lament (1:08)
  15. Terra deserta (2:18)
  16. Astyanax' theme (1:02)
  17. Hecuba's theme I (0:42)
  18. Hecuba's theme II (0:38)
  19. you came to conquer our town) Second stasimon (Telamon (1:53)
  20. Second stasimon (The city that gave birth to you was consumed by fire) (1:17)
  21. An ode of tears (1:01)
  22. Desolate land II (1:08)
  23. Lament III (0:42)
  24. Third stasimon (In vain the sacrifices) (2:05)
  25. your soul is wandering) Third stasimon (My beloved (3:10)
  26. Hecuba's theme (1:18)
  27. my bitter boy) Lament for Astyanax (Oh bitter lament (1:53)
  28. Exodos (2:25)
  29. Exodos (Accursed town) (1:02)
  30. Astyanax' memory (1:18)