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Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events

Dane płyty

CD 2227
Thomas Newman
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Lemony Snicket's a Series of Unfortunate Events
Tytuł fimu polski:
Lemony Snicket: Seria niefortunnych zdarzeń


  1. The Bad Beginning (3:20)
  2. Chez Olaf (3:12)
  3. The Baudelaire Orphans (2:32)
  4. In Loco Parentis (1:27)
  5. Resilience (2:30)
  6. The Reptile Room (1:35)
  7. An Unpleasant Incident Involving a Train (4:51)
  8. Curdled Cave (2:04)
  9. Puttanesca (2:41)
  10. Curious Feeling of Falling (1:45)
  11. Regarding the Incredibly Deadly Viper (2:33)
  12. The Marvelous Marriage (0:52)
  13. Lachrymose Ferry (0:38)
  14. Concerning Aunt Josephine (2:08)
  15. VFD (1:11)
  16. The Wide Window (1:11)
  17. Cold As Ike (2:45)
  18. Hurricane Herman (2:18)
  19. Snaky Message (2:31)
  20. The Regrettable Episode of the Leeches (2:45)
  21. Interlude with Sailboat (1:04)
  22. Verisimilitude (2:16)
  23. Loverly Spring (1:50)
  24. A Woeful Wedding (3:21)
  25. Attack of the Hook Handed Man (2:22)
  26. Taken by Supreeze (2:02)
  27. One Last Look (1:41)
  28. The Letter that Never Came (4:13)
  29. Drive Away (5:22)