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Vanity Fair

Dane płyty

CD 2218
Mychael Danna
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Vanity Fair


  1. She Walks in Beauty (2:01) Sissel
  2. Exchange (2:13)
  3. Becky and Amelia Leave School (1:28)
  4. The Great Adventurer (2:05) Custer LaRue
  5. Becky Arrives at Queen's Crawley (1:46)
  6. Andante (1:10)
  7. No Lights After Eleven (2:51)
  8. Adagio (1:37)
  9. I've Made Up My Mind (0:29)
  10. Ride to London (2:05)
  11. Becky and Rawdon Kiss (2:00)
  12. Sir Pitt's Marriage Proposal (1:41)
  13. I Owe You Nothing (1:17)
  14. Piano for Amelia / Announcement of Battle (3:16)
  15. Time to Quit Brussels (2:41)
  16. Waterloo Battlefield (1:31)
  17. Amelia Refuses Dobbin / The Move to Mayfair (2:08)
  18. Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal (2:48) Custer LaRue
  19. Steyne the Pasha (1:13)
  20. El Salaam (1:36) Hakim
  21. The Virtue Betrayed (0:39)
  22. Rawdon's End (0:50)
  23. Dobbin Leaves Amelia (1:07)
  24. Vanity's Conqueror (1:15)
  25. Gori Re (4:39) Shankar Mahadevan / Richa Sharma