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The Matrix Revolutions

Dane płyty

CD 1837
Don Davis
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Matrix Revolutions
Tytuł fimu polski:
Matrix Rewolucje


  1. The Matrix Revolutions Main Title (1:21)
  2. The Trainman Cometh (2:43) Juno Reactor
  3. Tetsujin (3:21) Juno Reactor
  4. In My Head (3:47) Pale 3
  5. The Road To Sourceville (1:25)
  6. Men in Metal (2:18)
  7. Niobe's Run (2:49)
  8. Woman Can Drive (2:41)
  9. Moribund Mifune (3:48)
  10. Kidfried (4:50)
  11. Saw Bitch Workhorse (3:59)
  12. Trinity Definitely (4:15)
  13. Neodammerung (6:00)
  14. Why, Mr. Anderson? (6:11)
  15. Spirit of the Universe (4:51)
  16. Navras (11:41) Juno Reactor