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Lara Croft Tomb Raider. The Cradle of Life

Dane płyty

CD 1809
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Lara Croft Tomb Raider. The Cradle of Life
Tytuł fimu polski:
Lara Croft Tomb Raider. Kolebka Życia


  1. Leave You Far Behind (3:30) Lunatic Calm
  2. The Last High (5:16) The Dandy Warhols
  3. Reason Is Treason (3:36) Kasabian
  4. Time (4:52) Saliva
  5. Bad Girl (4:47) Alexandra Slate
  6. The Only Way (Is The Wrong Way) (5:19) Filter
  7. Tears From The Moon (3:14) Conjure One / Sinead O'Connor
  8. Starting Over (4:01) The Crystal Method
  9. Into Hell Again (5:50) 3rd Strike
  10. Satellite (3:47) P.O.D.
  11. Flight To Freedom (3:35) Dave Stewart
  12. Jam For The Ladies (3:45) Moby
  13. Heart Go Faster (3:12) Davey Brothers
  14. You Can't Look Away (6:07) Sloth
  15. I Hate This (3:31) Nadirah "Nadz" Seid
  16. Pandora's Box (5:25) Alan Silvestri