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Gone with the Wind

Dane płyty

CD 0109
Max Steiner
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Gone with the Wind
Tytuł fimu polski:
Przeminęło z wiatrem


  1. Tara Theme - Main Title (4:12)
  2. The Barbecue at Twelve Oaks (3:29)
  3. The Bell (2:30)
  4. Ashley and Scarlett (2:35)
  5. Mammy (2:25)
  6. Christmas in Atlanta (4:58)
  7. Fall of The South (1:23)
  8. Intermission Music (1:25)
  9. Sherman's March Through Georgia (1:59)
  10. Ashley's Return From The War (3:13)
  11. Scarlett And Rhett At Tara (2:26)
  12. Belle Watling (3:21)
  13. Rhett and Bonnie (2:37)
  14. Scarlett's Fall - Rhett's Remorse (3:35)
  15. Bonnie's Death (2:01)
  16. Thomorrow Is Another Day - Finale (1:24)