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The Golden Bowl

Dane płyty

CD 1435
Richard Robbins
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Golden Bowl
Tytuł fimu polski:


  1. Opening Credits (3:23)
  2. Charlotte and the Prince (3:28)
  3. Verver's London Home / A Fresh Start (1:46)
  4. Green Park / The Golden Bowl / Fauns (3:20)
  5. Charlotte and Verver / Photograph of Maggie (2:34)
  6. Charlotte and Verver in Italy (1:23)
  7. Lancaster House / Lady Gwendolyn's Galop (4:03)
  8. Photographs / After the Costume Ball (2:39)
  9. The Sofa Waltz / The Kiss / Candles on the Staircase (2:50)
  10. The Inn (2:46)
  11. Madame Tussaud / The Steam Museum (2:34)
  12. The Golden Slave (4:34)
  13. The Lecture / Maggie Finds the Bowl (4:02)
  14. American City (1:13)
  15. Verver in Despair (1:36)
  16. The Broken Bowl (3:53)
  17. The Letter / The Execution / Henry VIII (3:00)
  18. To American City (3:13)
  19. End Credits (3:54)