Katalog płyt CD PWSFTviT w Łodzi

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Wing Commander. Prophecy

Dane płyty

CD 1427


  1. Prophecy (Terminalmix) (4:08) Cobalt 60
  2. Cloning Technology (Replica) (5:54) Fear Factory
  3. The Vampire Strikes Back (3:28) Die Krupps
  4. Eifersucht (3:37) Rammstein
  5. Billie Club (4:01) Junkie XL
  6. The Awakening (3:17) Das Ich
  7. Stray Bullet (5:30) KMFDM
  8. Mercy (4:24) Paradise Lost
  9. Gravitation Zero (4:24) Project Pitchfork
  10. Headhunter (5:11) Eskimos & Egypt
  11. The Theme (of Progressive Attack) (3:39) Brooklyn Bounce
  12. Komit (8:14) Juno Reactor
  13. Darwin Was Right (6:52) Cobalt 60