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Straight to Hell

Dane płyty

CD 1377
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Straight to Hell


  1. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (3:44) The Pogues
  2. Rake At The Gates Of Hell (2:24) The Pogues
  3. If I Should Fall From Grace With God (2:40) The Pogues
  4. Rabinga (2:20) The Pogues
  5. Evil Darling (5:05) Joe Strummer
  6. Big Nothing (5:48) The Macmanus Gang
  7. Guns And Coffee Money (4:09) Pray For Rain
  8. Ambush At Mystery Rock (3:33) Joe Strummer
  9. Salsa Y Ketchup (2:23) Zander Schloss
  10. The Killers (2:57) Pray For Rain
  11. Danny Boy (1:52) The Pogues / Cait O'Riordan