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Dirty Dancing

Dane płyty

CD 1281/2
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Dirty Dancing
Tytuł fimu polski:
Wirujący seks


  1. Time of My Life (Instrumental Version) (0:41) The John Morris Orchestra
  2. Big Girls Don't Cry (2:23) Frankie Valli / The Four Seasons
  3. Merengue (2:17) Michael Lloyd / Le Disc
  4. Some Kind of Wonderful (2:35) The Drifters
  5. Johnny's Mambo (2:59) Michael Lloyd / Le Disc
  6. Do You Love Me (2:53) The Contours
  7. Love Man (2:16) Otis Redding
  8. Wipeout (2:38) The Surfaris
  9. These Arms of Mine (2:28) Otis Redding
  10. De Todo Un Poco (2:28) Michael Lloyd / Le Disc
  11. Cry to Me (2:33) Solomon Burke
  12. Trot the Fox (2:05) Michael Lloyd / Le Disc
  13. Will You Love Me Tomorrow (2:43) The Shirelles
  14. Kellerman's Anthem (2:29) The Emile Bergstein Chorale
  15. Time of My Life (Instrumental Version) (1:08) The John Morris Orchestra